Natural Paws

Life Wth Sweet Pea

EARoma thEARapy | Natural Paws

How to Stop your Dog’s Ear Infections with Sprayable Ear Wash

When an unpleasant but necessary task has been done the same way throughout the years, it can be tough to take a step back and ask, “Is there a better way?” HOW IT STARTS | In the case of cleaning our dogs’ ears, let’s touch briefly of the anatomy of the canal. The dog’s ear canal …

How to Stop your Dog’s Ear Infections with Sprayable Ear Wash Read More »

In Memory of Sweet Pea

We are so deeply heartbroken to bring the news of Sweet Pea’s passing to her dear friends and fans. Sweet Pea crossed the rainbow bridge on June 13, 2014, in the loving arms of her family. She is profoundly missed in every aspect of our lives. We will continue to mourn her passing, while finding the strength to revel in the countless, wonderful memories she has blessed our days and years with. She was our first child, our children’s first pet, our soul companion, and our greatest teacher.

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