Natural Paws

dog ear

3 Effective Ways to Keep Dog Allergies to a Minimum

It’s Springtime, and everything is in bloom. Here in Arizona, this tends to mean that yellow flowers and green grasses & shrubs are plentiful. It’s so pretty to see, and it’s a joy to venture out into it for hikes, walks, and other outdoor adventures while it’s so lovely out. But if you’re sensitive to the pollen and grasses, it’s tough to enjoy the beauty without feeling the affects.

Dogs are no stranger to these allergies, and those with seasonal allergies (rather than an allergy to an ingested trigger like food) will do whatever it takes to find a moment of relief. Who can blame them? It’s rough to suddenly have itchy feet, itchy skin, and irritated ears & eyes! For a dog, finding relief on thier own tends to consist of

EARoma thEARapy | Natural Paws

How to Stop your Dog’s Ear Infections with Sprayable Ear Wash

When an unpleasant but necessary task has been done the same way throughout the years, it can be tough to take a step back and ask, “Is there a better way?” HOW IT STARTS | In the case of cleaning our dogs’ ears, let’s touch briefly of the anatomy of the canal. The dog’s ear canal …

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